Saturday, January 5, 2013

|Chapter 3: Part 3|

|Chapter 3: Part 3|

Mira awakened suddenly, feeling the cold chill of the room raise the bumps upon her skin. She rubbed her eyes with a yawn and felt her stomach churn, though not in a sickened way like she had before. It was a hunger, but one she has never experienced. She sat up from the bed and glanced in the vanity mirror as usual, but something was not right this time.

Her wings were gone as if they were never there at all, her amethyst eyes glowed in the dimness like a cat’s eye, her skin much paler than the norm she was used to, and the most noticeable of all…she had fangs - vampire fangs. She lightly screamed as she covered her mouth in horror, “No! No this isn’t real! I’m dreaming! How could…this…NO! Wake up, Mira! FUCKING WAKE UP!!”

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